Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Last Chase as a New Mexico Resident

I woke up to a ripping E-SE wind and lots of moisture in the air. After consulting with my chase gurus Bill Mudd and Bob Schaefer, I made my way S on US 285 and stopped just E of Stanley, NM, where the show was going to come to me:

There were only a few poor E-W road options, and a big cell was stacking up back near my house, so I charged back up 285 through 2-inches of pea-sized hail on the road. Once back N of Santa Fe, I stopped to take a picture off the highway near my house:

I continued N on 285, stopping just S of Espanola, where I watched this wall cloud with a couple of observant locals:

Soon afterward this cell crashed into the Sangre de Cristo mountains, ending my last chase as a resident of NM.